About Me
In love with The Story.
I'm a thirty-one year old Christian woman with a vision to know God and make Him known; learning to love God and love others. I am a homeschool grad and the eldest of seven children. I was born and bred in Australia, and I love my sunburnt great south land of the Holy Spirit. I am a singer-songwriter and musician, with a passion for making and listening to honest music. Writing is a joy, and I love to dabble with words in many forms, such as blogging or occasional story-crafting. I am a graphic designer and lettering artist with my own business, I am an elder at my church and ministry worker/regional coordinator for Scripture Union NSW.
Above all, I am in love with the redemption story of the Gospel: His Story, and the way it weaves itself into the fabric of life. I am ever seeking it as it whispers everywhere; from pop culture, to the sweeping country landscape I live in, to the beating of my own heart.
Hold onto the promise, the stories are true. (Andrew Peterson)
I drink coffee, savour the smell of cut grass, quote movies, laugh out loudly, wear cowgirl boots, love to sing at the top of my lungs, read books, am fascinated by storms, drive with my windows down and the music up, dabble with paint and pencils, play tennis, adore spending time with family, chase sunsets, enjoy studying and discussing the Word, preach and worship lead, type fast, create art, am captivated by mountain splendour, loves hiking excessively, write old-fashioned letters, have incredible friends around the world, long to see His kingdom come, yearn to know my Saviour God and Friend more and more, and make Him known by His love in me. May I be found always looking up.
The story of any one of us is in some measure the story of us all. (Frederick Beuchner)
What's with the name?
My first venture into the world wide web came with a dire need for a username, and I was stumped until my Mum enlightened me with the perfect suggestion: BushMaid. It comes from the title of a dearly loved book from my childhood by Mary Grant Bruce, called A Little Bush Maid. It follows the life of a girl growing up on a homestead in the bush of rural Australia in the early 1900's, who had a childhood not that dissimilar from my own. It was with much fondness I adopted the name, and became known as "Bushy" for many years online. It also eventually became the name for my designing business. Although I have personalised my blog to include my real name, "BushMaid" is so much a precious nickname and part of my identity as an Australian girl from the bush that I could never part with it. I'm still called "Bushy" by some to this day.
Find me on all the things: