Jump ahead a good many years, January 2010, and you'll find me volunteering at the library on a pretty ordinary Wednesday. But lo: turns out, there's to be a magic show and balloon twisting workshop on in the afternoon for a kids school holidays activity, and could I help out?
Need you ask? I'm in.
It was the first magic show I ever saw, and I loved it. Though targeted mainly at younger children, the child still very much alive in me was over the moon. I all but sat there clapping my hands and laughing with amazement the whole way through. It was so memorable, and I honestly don't think any other magic show would have been the same. You skeptics may doubt my saying so, since it was the first magic show I ever got to see and thus I am swayed, but you would be wrong. Because any other magic show would not have starred a one Joel Howlett (yes, this is a shout-out).
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Joel Howlett (& bunny-I-can't-remember-the-name-of) |
Joel is brilliant at what he does, not just with his sleight of hand tricks, but he is an impeccable performer. He knows how to play a crowd of kids so well; getting the desired result almost every time and if not, can add lib at an incredibly witty rate. Anyone who thinks magic shows are only for little ones better rethink their opinion, because Joel always has the adults laughing with his funny quips and one-liners. His shows are so family-orientated and full of clean humour that everyone gets a kick out of it and comes away cheered, albeit often stumped as to how he pulled off some of his tricks.
Cue some time later, I'm working at the library again, and I overhear a conversation about the reading competition prize draw. Joel was to do another show for the finale of the draw! I was so in, and this time, my family was not missing out. Probably due to the fact my amazing family has been roped into my schemes before, the day of the competition draw, everyone somewhat reluctantly came (obviously my ravings had not completely sold them on the idea of going all the way to town for a magic show on our traditional "Friday night at home"). I was not to be swayed in my belief they would all love it. It took a while to wait around, since the draw was still in session, and I could see some family members beginning to get itchy feet, but once the show started, I knew it'd been worth it. During the height of the performance, I turned around in my chair to see Dad laughing wholeheartedly, the rest of my siblings cackling without restraint, and my Mum gave me two thumbs up through an enormous grin. I exulted inwardly. They were as hooked as I was.
We all got to meet and talk to Joel afterwards, and I was pleased he remembered me. I was able to introduce all my family, and what with so many of us, we helped carry his packed gear back out to his car before he left. It was the first of a few times getting to see him on a fair few of his visits to the library, during one time I inquired as to whether he would be willing to do a show for a party I was having the next year (2013). He was most gracious to agree to come do a show for me, even though it wasn't generally the kind of thing he would perform at. I couldn't wait, but at the same time, wondered what everyone at the party would think.
The library draw came up again just last Friday, and thanks to a friend in the competition posting about it on Google+, I heard that once again, Joel was performing there. This time there were no complaints whatsoever as we piled into the car and drove into town for the draw. Joel's was one of the first faces we saw as we walked in the doors, and it was great to see him and catch up with him once again. His show, though mainly for the younger children, was just as funny, just as delightful to watch, and I laughed through most of it. It honestly doesn't get old for me.

So! If you are wanting something new and interesting for a kid's party, a function, or some other such thing, ask Joel Howlett to do a magic show for you. His is a kind of show that never gets old, the jokes never wear out, the humour is just as fresh as it was the first time, and you will be delighted over and over again. Plus he's an all round awesomely nice guy, and you'll enjoy talking to him! Please go and check out his website, and/or like his Facebook page here. You can also see some of his work in this video. If you ever get the chance to go see one of his shows, do so! You'll have a blast, I guarantee you.