Aha! It's the end of January now, it is safe for me to come out; safe for me to emerge from hiding now that the wake of Christmas has flown past. No longer must I dodge the lumps of coal being hurtled my way, or tremble in fear of being asked the dreaded question, "So what did you get for Christmas?"
In case you haven't heard, my family and I don't actually celebrate Christmas. Try explaining this to any good Christian - or any good athiest! - and you are immediately bombarded with questions "Why?". People who aren't even God-fearing cannot understand why one wouldn't celebrate this joyous festivity. I mean; peace and goodwill to all men, it's more blessed to give than to receive, be thankful for what we have - all these messages are "Christian", right? Plus the tree is so fun to decorate, the lights look awesome once you eventually get them untangled and hanging up, and the looks on kids' faces? That just says it all.
Believe me, I'm speaking from experience here. Up till I was around ten years old, my family celebrated Christmas and it was the best thing since sliced bread. It was such a fun season because Dad got time off work, and we'd do all the decorating together; we got to eat loads of horribly good food, had fun opening amazing gifts, and experience the joy of visualizing what it must have been like to have seen Christ as a baby that time so many years ago. So don't think I'm speaking through my hat from a misconception about Christmas because I have honestly experienced it to the full.