How should I come to the one I love? I will find a way. - Jason Gray I have fuzzy memories of celebrating Christmas. I can vaguely remember putting together the plastic tree
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To Them Who Find
He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord. — Proverbs 18:22 For the longest time whenever I heard this verse referenced, it was very quickly followed
Not a Single Thing
God You don't need me / But somehow You want me / Oh how You love me / Somehow that frees me / To take my hands off of my life / And
Taking photos like frames of video Frantic to hold onto moments As they slip through my fingers Click, click, click, I capture life If I string them all together in a line Like
What Friendship Really Is
Leaning up against the kitchen counter whilst looking into the teary eyes of my littlest sister, my mind flashed back to when I was her age. Fourteen, and trying to make friends I
The Church Doesn't Need Props
I frequently struggle with the way the western world does church, and I use the phrase "does church" very loosely. The definition of church as far as I can see defined by Scripture
Youth's Curse
"The problem with aging has nothing to do with merely 'getting old'. The problem is the curse of yesterday's youthfulness." "How do you mean?" he asked. "I'm assuming you're not talking about physical
Lately in Brief
In case you haven't noticed, I've updated my blog! Since I will be moving my business to its very own website soon, I decided I wanted to make my presence on this blog
Good Writing and Christian Fiction
The weekend just gone, I suddenly felt a dire need for a piece of fiction. Something light and diverting, with maybe just a bit of sap. It'd been a stressful couple of weeks,
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